- Description: we r the manufacturer of harmonyfruity soaps(fruitapone plus).which have natural extract.in all 8 fragrance.fruitapone is derived from natural fruits extracts,which contains vitamins.the unique combination between.orange,strawberry,lemon,lychee,lime,greenapple,grapes,redapple,melon,peach extract and bisabolo(fruitaponeplus) have moisturizing and soothing affects.frequent use of harmony fruitapone plus will leave your skin smoother and fresher INGREDIENTS.sodium aplmate.coconut oil.water glycerine,fruit extract,fragrance.tetrasodiumEDTA,titanium dioxide.all after regularly using harmony soap(fruitapone plus)you should find that u might no longer need to apply as much lotion and cream after bathing.many people find that they dont need additional products at all after using of harmonyfruitysoap(fruitaponeplus)....your skin will thank you for it.
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